Monday, January 22, 2007

A Place in the Choir

I bought this over the summer, but just started reading it recently. It's a collection of short "essays" (not sure what else to call it) about the power of music to influence and change people's lives. Lots of items to think about. Last night I read a great part that I would like to briefly quote:

".... In a world filled with consumerism in which all are bombarded with messages of 'every man for himself', 'he who dies with the most toys wins' and so on, how do we convince people that a worthy life is best made up of helping others as we help ourselves?

Well, as we all know, the most effective teaching is often accomplished through demonstration. Do as I do.

I witness one person making a difference every time I watch a dedicated teacher doing their job ... you nudge them (students) toward the recognition of their own worth as individuals who can change their world, you help them discover a life of genuine value in the same way that you found value in your chosen profession as a nudger, a pusher, a world changer, a teacher. Confucius said:

To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in
to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in
to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal
we must first set our hearts right.

He ends with:

Do not allow yourselves to be overwhelmed by the tasks that lie ahead. ... to make a difference we all just need to keep plugging away, not letting what we can't do interfere with what we most certainly can do.... We shall not be overwhelmed. We can make a difference every single day, What a grand lesson to teach our students in the classroom, on the playground, on the streets, or in the choir."

'Nuf Said.

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